Re: Foundries Allowing Modification
I think at least some of these concerns are a bit antiquated. On the web, I can create a one-glyph font that I specify as being the one to be used for a given character while the "original font&…3 -
Re: EULAs: No Modifications Clauses.
I think, by analogy, singing along while listening to a song should of course be disallowed. The singalong actually modifies the listener’s auditory impression of the original artist’s creation.5 -
Re: Plex; IBM's new font identity model
True. But branding is much more than just the fonts — it’s using fonts in context. Otherwise IBM wouldn’t be able to use Helvetica for so many years, and so couldn’t many other companies that used re…9 -
Re: Plex; IBM's new font identity model
This is not very different for other software companies that opensource typographic software components that they themselves rely on in their core products. Twitter published Bootstrap and Facebook p…5 -
Re: The president of Kazakhstan (or is it Qazaqstan now?) signs the latinisation edict
The German name of Kazakhstan is Kasachstan, the Polish name is Kazachstan, the English name is Kazakhstan. I don't think either of those would need to change because the Kazakh spelling of the name …3